Throughout this series, I have tried to bring a glimpse of what is going on at the frontier of fly fishing for trout & grayling, though have not really explored other developments, such as fly fishing for other species and, notably, salt water. I do very little of the latter and there are far more experienced fly fishers in these areas to broadcast what is going on. Read More
The Davy Knot
Published in: Members ArticlesHow to tie the Davy knot The Davy knot was created by Davy Wotton and boast an extreamly high breaking strength. It is used for tying the fly onto the leader and it is much smaller than most other knots so it does not impede the action of the fly as it… Read More
Traumatised By Tailing Loops?
Published in: Members ArticlesTraumatised By Tailing Loops? Often wrongly referred to as wind knots in the leader, tailing loops are a common problem that affect many anglers as they progress from beginner to intermediate.  A tailing loop is where the top of the fly line crosses the bottom of it twice when casting, resulting in… Read More