Matching the Hatch by Pat O’Reilly


First published in 1997, Matching the Hatch has been “completely revised and updated” according to the cover text and now re-issued in a handy pocket-sized edition.

The title says it all really! This book is all about finding out about what trout are eating and what fly you can use to ‘match the hatch’ and hopefully increase your chances of success in catching one or two wherever you happen to be.

A Caperer sedge. Helesus radiatus.

You don’t need to be an expert to use this book as it is handily laid out to give those of us still learning the basics a head-start on fly choice in section 1, but you may well end up being one once you get stuck into all the glorious photography of the wild insects and the artificial fly patterns in the following sections. I couldn’t help myself but flick backwards and forwards through the book, wondering to myself if I had seen that beetle before or that particular colour sedge?

The fly patterns have been provided by a long list of well-known names in the fly fishing and fly tying world, testament to author Peter O’Reilly’s 40 years in the fly fishing business and many contacts made over the years. There are also useful tips for how to best to fish the flies too – worth noting!

The author, Pat O’Reilly

The final short section of the book is for those who really have ‘caught the bug’! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) For budding entomologists there are ideas on how to view and study your subjects at closer quarters with home aquariums as one idea.

Priced at £12.95

Published by Quiller Books.


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