Sea Trout by Steffan Jones

Sea Trout by Steffan Jones

What the Publisher Says

Sea Trout – Tips, Tricks & Tribulations

Sea Trout are a mysterious fish. They come and go with the tide and sneak upriver oblivious to all around; they truly are silver ghosts. Numerous books and publications have been written and released on the species, so why another one, and why is this book different? After all, the fish have not changed.

Steffan Jones with sea trout
Author Steffan Jones with a sea trout

No, the fish have not changed, but I hope by reading this book your understanding of them will. The book represents a modern approach and understanding to their behaviours and how to target them successfully whilst taking these behaviours into account.

The book covers numerous topics in easy-to-follow-and-digest chapters. These range from sea tout feeding habits through to technical chapters on how best to approach sea trout under certain conditions. It is comprehensive, both in terms of where the sea trout may be targeted, but also in the method deployed, covering fly, spin and bait.

What We Say

Once in a while an angler comes along whose catches more than speak for themselves. If you have read the angling press in print or online, particularly over the last decade or so, then you will likely already be familiar with Steffan Jones and his passion for sea trout as well as his skill at catching them regularly, and big ones too! When an angler like that then writes a book about their fishing it is one that any angler interested in that species or style of fishing should take note of.

So then is the case with Sea Trout – Tips, Tricks & Tribulations which has just been released. Who wouldn’t want to learn from a recognised master at his game, and the author does not hold back on explaining in detail his methods and thought process honed over the years across the 25 chapters and 230 pages of his book.

From recommended tackle, the study of the fish and its habits, fly choice considerations, barometric pressure and all other manner of detail, this is a masterclass in how to approach your sea trout fishing. The majority of the book deals with night fishing tactics in particular, but day time and dry fly fishing are also covered with the last pages of the book dedicated to spin and bait fishing, followed by some recommended fly patterns from several well-seasoned sea trout anglers of the authors acquaintance from around the globe.

There is a nice chapter also on the evolution of Welsh sea trout flies, written by Moc Morgan especially for this book before his passing in 2015 (yes it’s been a long process admits Jones in the preface.) It’s a fitting tribute to his fellow countryman. There is also a brief mention of a meeting with Hugh Falkus at one point, referencing his skill with the double-handed rod, and this to me was very apt also. In Steffan Jones we have another highly skilled and thoughtful angler not afraid to push the boundaries, to study every aspect of their quarry and to work out for themselves the best approach to success by trial and error. This comes across very well in the book and I found it fascinating to read his insights and reasoning. I now hope to get out on the river myself sometime this coming year and see how much of this I can put in to practice.

The one small critique I have is that there are no captions to any of the wonderful photographs included, so we are left wondering at the size of the beautiful silvery fish shown and even general locations, let alone specific ones. That of course quite rightly won’t matter a jot to many and does not in any way diminish the value of what is likely to become the new modern classic on fishing for sea trout.

How to Purchase

The book costs £30.

Postage is £3.50 within the UK, £10.50 to mainland Europe.

Please send an email the author Steffan Jones at for full details on how to order.

In addition, West Wales Tackle (Carmarthen) and the Porth Hotel (Llandysul) have copies for sale should you be in the area.


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