First Salmon Reports from Canada

How is your live release technique? Need a refresher? Have another view of our great new video below.


With more rivers opened to angling  on June 15, early returns are now indicating good numbers of fish migrating.  River levels have continued to drop and more rain will be needed soon.  Anglers that have been on the rivers during the last week have had great conditions.

A note on looking at numbers from past years: comparative figures are not available in 2013 for the York, Dartmouth and St-Jean Rivers.  Organizations compiling figures covering these rivers have changed to a new system for recording results on their websites and were not in a position to manually input the data into the system from previous years. Later in the season we can offer a very rough comparison, using figures from our Rivernotes of last year, but those results will need to be viewed with caution, and the editor will point this out when such a comparison is made.

Reminder for all anglers in Québec:

Please register your releases. This data is very important in the calculation of the success rate of rivers, and the number of unreported releases is a concern for all river management groups.  The number of reported releases has risen considerably since 1997 when only a few hundred were registered in comparison to 8,420 in 2012. The accuracy of these figures will be even more important in future in determining the number of salmon successfully moving up rivers.

The larger tides coinciding with the full moon will occur on June 23. As long as there are acceptable water levels on the rivers there should be a large migration of Atlantic salmon in the rivers.  We should have a better understanding of the state of runs by the end of June.  Everyone keep their fingers crossed that a full moon brings good runs.

River reports follow below…

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