Building Society Funds River Education for Kids

Children often say these are the best school trips they have ever been on!

These river education days are available to all schools in the Eden Valley.  They are aimed at 7 – 11 years olds (Key Stage 2) and tie in with the river, habitat, water and mountain environment topics which they cover as part of the National Curriculum.  These events give children the opportunity to have a “hands-on” experience of the river, to support their class room based work. 

During a Rivers Day the children are given an interactive presentation in the classroom before heading down to their local river.  There they enjoy a spot of river dipping to find and see the creatures which live in the river.  They also carrying out a river corridor survey, draw a river cross section diagram, and measure the river flow rate.

Becky Helm, Education Officer for Eden Rivers Trust, said, “We are really grateful to the Cumberland Building Society for their ongoing support for these special days out for children.  They have been funding these events for the past two years, helping children to experience their local river.”

Carol Graham, Branch Manager at the Cumberland Building Society, said, “The Trust’s work provides a unique learning experience for local children and we are delighted to be able to extend our support for this educational project for a further two years.”

During 2010, over 900 primary school children from 23 different schools in the Eden valley took part in Rivers Days with Eden Rivers Trust.  For more information on how your school can take part, contact Becky Helm, Education Officer at Eden Rivers Trust, or visit

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