A Fisherman's Dream


Because the quality of this video trailer stood out so much I contacted Martin for a little more background on the reasoning behind the making of this film and this was his reply…

“My idea for shooting the video was mainly to promote myself as a fly fishing instructor in Chile. We will use this video for promotion, hopefully to get some sponsors that might be interested in our second project, to film Patagonia and how the fishing fishing and tourism will be afected with the construction of 5 dams.

I am a fly casting and tying instructor in Chile teaching the customers of Rod and Gun fly tackle, and I worked as a guide in Northern Patagonia. A few years ago I started a guiding program near Santiago working with www.patagonianation.com a site that promotes fishing destinations in Chile, mostly in Patagonia.

We went to shoot the video in Northern Patagonia, in a place called Lonquimay, a place that was in the past the residence of local indigenous people (and there are still some groups) and its absolutly amazing, full of small rivers, lagoons, and very technical fishing. A lot of sight fishing, and that hides some very big surprises. We decided to shoot there because of the autumn colors. Lonquimay is one of the two places in chile we have that has these amazing colors in autumn.

The light, the temperature, and the colors where ideal to realize our movie idea and to show people what fly fishing is about. The fanaticism, the passion, being cold, etc, all of if doesn’t matter when you are fishing. That’s why I show the scene of my fishing alongside the highway, the passion is so big that finally it doesn’t matter where you fish, as long as you are fishing.”

Please click on the link below to play the trailer. (1 min:31 seconds)

Trailer – A Fisherman’s Dream (a way of life)

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