The Salmon Junkies report from Grand Varzuga

Our first week in Grand Varzuga was a blessing and all our hopes and dreams for this wonderful place came true and so much more, we are extremely exited the next coming weeks:) 189 Salmon in the books, 7 rods, and so many lost. Big fish has been caught and reels stripped to the backing, Grand Varzuga is definitely a big fish territory looking at the entire Varzuga watershed system.

24 salmons between 10-14 Lbs and 3 between 15-19 Lbs has been caught and then all the ones lost that we never saw besides the color of backing. Michel Horvelin became TOP Rod, old Kola veteran. Water still dropping and water temperature 12C and fish keeps pouring in, its perfect conditions. Most of the action is still taken place downstream of the camp and will still be our main focus for a while longer. Floating line with sink tip fished fast is still the right medicine;  however, bombers, dryflies and rifling hitch is producing extremely well now.

One happy group on their way home now with so many memories and new one coming in today along with our film crew, a new adventure is on its way:)

Stay tuned for more reports…

Kåre Lundquist

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