An Appeal From Orri Vigfusson – North Atlantic Salmon Fund – Your Help is Needed


In addition to nets we work to improve and enhance salmon habitat in rivers. We support efforts to take down dams in rivers, efforts to put sustainability into salmon farming and where rivers are dead, or virtually dead we support disciplined stocking programs in line with the methodology developed and successfully completed by Peter Gray on the river Tyne in England.

NASF needs funds for many projects but this year we have specific fund raising targets as follows; High Seas : $350.000  –  Coastal nets: $260.000  – 

Russia & Norway Campaign : $ 75.000 – New stocking project in Maine $ 345.000

Last but not least we promote our tourist angling industry throughout. We try to get more people to come fishing, spending money in our rural areas and to raise the value of our estates. We advise on river management on both sides of the Atlantic, helping to prioritize, economically and effectively for fast recovery. Higher salmon catches mean higher revenues for our rural areas and related industries. We facilitate angling journalists writing about rivers, filmmakers, websites, TV stations, publication of books and we promote film evenings and functions in major cities to widen awareness. Always however, phasing out nets is our main focus.

Our work is entirely funded by donations and without these we would be unable to continue with our dedication to bringing salmon stocks back to their natural abundance for the benefit of all of us.

Can you help us this year PLEASE? 

I will be delighted to answer all your questions.

Orri Vigfússon



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