Big Salmon Dominate at Kharlovka

Source: Atlantic Salmon Reserve

We woke up on Tuesday morning to near freezing temperatures and the rivers were slowly starting to rise – going from 23 to 27cm during the day on the home pool scale. Thankfully everything seem to come just right on the Wednesday with the boys landing 18 salmon in addition to losing about the same number in some epic battles – knees and egos were bruised – hooks straightened – a rod and several lines snapped! 

While the rivers temps were now back down to a more seasonable 10.8 C, bright sun and breezy cool winds made the going a bit more challenging to finish off the week.

For the first few days the salmon seemed to be running straight through the lower beats only to possibly pause briefly in the home pool before we really had a chance of finding them again with long tailed sea lice on the upper beats near the falls. Besides that perfect cloudy Wednesday when we found them everywhere on the Litza, most of the salmon were running through and are now starting to stack up from the Falls pool down. 

Snealdas and SunRays seemed to be the answer lately with David enticing back to back 25 and 27 pounders on his hitch SR up at the Kharlovka falls. Meanwhile his partner Richard started the week out finding a few nice salmon a day including a couple of beautiful 21 and 22 pounders on his small green butts and samurais.

Thankfully Peter and Guthrie were able to snap a few great photos of their bright fresh mid sized salmon.

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