An Avon Salmon on the Fly







Rae Borras travels along his beloved Hampshire Avon, the UK river that began his life-long love affair with the king of fish, the mighty salmon, in the latest issue of ‘The Game Fisher’s Diary’, which is free-to-view HERE on this website.

His aim is to try and track down a Hampshire Avon salmon on the fly, and to find out more about the river, its characters, and what makes its salmon so revered.

Rae takes in some of the river’s best known beats, and along the way he meets Stewart Allen, who only a fortnight earlier had banked the biggest salmon caught from the river for over 30 years – and on the fly!

And he ‘hooks up’ with angling historian Tony Tims as they share stories about the river’s heydays, when a 40lb salmon was a real possibility – many of them mounted for angling generations to admire.

This lovely programme from ‘Fishing TV’ along with many more is currently free-to-view here on Fish&Fly in the latest issue of ‘Game Fisher’s Diary’.

The episode is split into three parts, just click HERE to get going and use the arrows to scroll through the playlist.

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