Alaskan Artist Donates Summer Series to Pebble Mine Cause

Scott Hedd – Sportsman’s Alliance of Alaska – “This is a really neat project by a young guide up in Bristol Bay who’s also a talented artist.  He’s doing a series of paintings to benefit SAA and the Bristol Bay campaign over the summer, and I pulled together some fly boxes and flies to incentivize interest in buying the paintings. Companies that donated fly boxes and/or flies are Umpqua, Montana Fly Company, and Scientific Anglers.

The first painting (featured below) is only $200 and the buyer also gets a UPG large/streamer box with a dozen Umpqua flies!”

Tim Pearson – Guide & Artist, Alaska – “Spring Rainbow will be my first piece of the Pebble Project art endeavor. Here at Rainbow River Lodge we are trout guides and spring is a very special time for Alaskan rainbow trout. At this time, the trout in our neck of the Bristol Bay region gorge themselves on recently hatched sockeye salmon fry, spawning freshwater lamprey, and insects emerging from the river bottoms. These hefty, wild rainbows rely heavily on healthy water and the prolific salmon runs of Bristol Bay.

Spring Rainbow is up for sale and at a good price for an original painting. This is not a business venture for me, so I’m donating all (and I mean all) proceeds of this project to the Sportman’s Alliance for Alaska to help in the fight against the Pebble Mine.”

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