Alphonse Island News – Bonefish Bonanza!






Week 16 brought a group of anglers hosted by the brothers Stefan and Alex Haider and the bonefishing was at its very best and although the breezy north-westerly winds made for some tricky casting conditions it was not enough to deter the guide team and anglers from catching an impressive array of fish.

TriggerfishThe bonefishing was quite outstanding, with a calculated number of just over 400 bones landed for the six days with most guests having days of over 20 bones. In some sessions bonefish were targeted in a water depth barely enough to cover their backs, making it probably the most quintessential bonefish experience! 

Quite often the rougher water conditions brings more GT onto the flats and this week was no exception and eight were landed, with a lot more seen swimming just outside of casting range or away with the fly line.

The forever popular triggerfish are always great to target too and those who have stalked these finicky creatures can relate to the joy of having one eat your fly. Four magnificent triggers were landed this week, with eight more hooked but sadly lost.

The bluewater guide team did exceptionally well in raising several sailfish to the tease and two were landed after giving great acrobatic displays. Both fish were released and swam off perfectly with only bruised egos. 


Tight lines from Cam Musgrave, Keith Rose-Innes and the Alphonse team


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