Atlantic Salmon Reserve Update: 1







This year the season opened with more ‘typical’ conditions than were experienced in the last couple of seasons’ heatwaves and following three early springs, including last year’s record low water conditions, this year spring arrived late to the northern tundra.

On arrival the rivers were free of ice and on the rise to near record heights with the air temperature a promising 10C with the forecast set to remain mild for the remainder of the week, the rivers are flowing at a mere 1.5C.

With healthy amounts of snow, ice and standing water still lying in reserve across the northern tundra, the water temperatures are likely to remain cold until the ice on the lakes in the catchment has disappeared. Nevertheless we soon had our first salmon of the season and a climb in temperature should see them start to run in to the system in increasing numbers. Indeed, during the course of the first week sunny skies and warm winds increased the air temperatures to 20C and the river to a very encouraging 6C – athough this brought high water and challenging conditions the salmon responded with ten fish in the 20lb class up to 27lb, with an average weight of a solid 19.1lb – the early signs are that it is going to be a very exciting season!

We aim to keep you regularly updated with all of the news and catch reports from the ASR throughout the season and if you are interested in late availability for the current season and/or making a booking for the 2015 season please contact 


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