Fieldsports – Fly Fishing Edition

They Say

When asked what they so love about their favourite pastime, fly fishers will invariably cite the beautiful places to which the sport leads them. It has often been said that trout choose to live only in picturesque places – that also seems to be true of salmon, steelhead, bonefish, tarpon, mahseer and all of the myriad species we travel the length and breadth of the planet to pursue.

This Fieldsports guide takes us to 22 such places – destinations that fly fishers from all walks of life either dream of fishing one day, or hope to return to. Yes, each one boasts world-class fishing and a real chance of landing that fish of a lifetime, but, and perhaps more significantly, they are also environments where Mother Nature is at her breathtaking best. Whether it’s the East African plains of remotest Tanzania, the endless Arctic tundra of Alaska or Russia or the tropical paradises of the Seychelles, Christmas Island or the Bahamas, anglers will find themselves surrounded by a spectacular array of life. Drawing upon a rich back catalogue of work and truly world-class photography, this guide is a celebration of the incredible places to which fly fishing takes us.

We Say

Page shotWith 22 different destinations featured, this is a round the world glimpse into some of the best fly fishing the planet has to offer. Although by their own admission, a little heavy on salmonids (albeit of several varieties), there is a good range and depth from Atlantic Salmon in Iceland, Norway and Scotland, to the beautiful Golden Dorado of Bolivia and Taimen of Mongolia, plus saltwater too with Sailfish in Guatemala and giant Tarpon in Florida just a couple of tasters for you.

Each destination is nicely packaged into 3 or 4 pages typically, with lots of great photos (including plenty from the well travelled lens of Matt Harris) and fact files detailing the all important where/when/how/etc…

This will serve as a nice reference piece for the bookshelf or coffee table as well as gratifying an instant urge to browse and read.

The Fly Fishing special edition is available now both in print and digitally – you can find full details by clicking on their website here!

Price from £4.99 (Digital) to £7.99 (Print)


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