Is New Zealand's Freshwater Fishing Under Threat?

The below message was sent to all subscribers of ‘Reel Life’ – the newsletter of Fish & Game New Zealand.

25th March 2013

Future of freshwater fishing under threat 

The present government is hell-bent on wrecking the RMA. The key points are as follows:

  1. The RMA is being dramatically changed to allow the development and degradation of sports fish and game habitat by farmers and industry.
  2. Lowland streams will have no legal recognition so will become ‘farm drains’.
  3. Water Conservation Orders will ultimately go, with their previously recognised habitat protection and recreation values lost in one- size-fits-all ‘regional plans’.
  4. Practically all the substantive case law that has been developed over the years around environmental protection (much of it with Fish & Game licence fees), will be lost.
  5. Current protection of the habitat of trout and salmon will be scrapped.

This is a plea for all anglers to ensure they have their say on the future of the RMA, the only real safeguard we have against rampant, unsustainable development of the freshwater resources trout and salmon rely on for survival.

You only have until 5.00pm April 2, 2013 to submit on the RMA.

Submission on the equally devastating Freshwater Reform proposals must be received by 5.00pm April 8, 2013.

Don’t worry if you have never made a submission before – it can be as simple or as complex as you choose to make it, the most important thing is that you have a say.

Information on how to make a submission, suggested points to make in your submission, and where to send it are on our RMA resource page here.

Please, stand up for freshwater quality protection and the future of angling in this country – it’s in your hands.

Bryce Johnson 

Chief executive 

Fish & Game NZ



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