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Beattie Outdoor Productions will be a name well-known to many fans of international fly fishing action movies. With movies included in most of the top fly fishing film tours this compilation called FISHTAILS is a collection of 12 of them (a mix of longer films and shorts) filmed over 4 years and covering both exciting saltwater action in Mexico and Hawaii to freshwater in the California Delta, Mongolia, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest and the Canadian Northwest Territories.

I watched this through from beginning to end with a friend of mine new to fly fishing in the UK, let alone around the world, and he couldn’t believe the action he was seeing. I think we have another convert! One of the highlights for me was watching Arctic grayling eagerly attacking mice patterns on the surface in Alaska – amazing stuff and a far cry from the more delicate nature of our own European grayling.

As always with films from the RA Beattie stable, it is not just the fishing action that is spectacular (and it is) but it is the quality of the storytelling that goes along with it. The destinations are as much the stars as the fish they contain and with a cast of characters including well-known American fly anglers such as Bear Holeman and John Sherman plus introducing ‘Sandflea’, you are definitely kept entertained.

Here’s another trailer for one of the movies called Alaska – La Frontera Norte, to give you a taste of what to expect…

Where to purchase:

You can buy FISHTAILS online from Beattie Outdoor Productions in their fishing video store.

Price: $24.99


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