Get to Grips with the Gaula!






Fishing-International-Service-Holidays in association with the Gaula NFC have planned a group trip to the Gaula River from the 23rd to 31st August 2015. The nine-day trip features 8.5 days’ fishing on a prime section of the river, with lodge accommodation and meals included, before leaving the lodge on 1st September.

With quick and easy flights to Trondheim this is one of the most easily accessed of all of the great salmon beats and Fishing-International-Service-Holidays have agreed a special offer for groups of eight anglers, which can either comprise a set group, or be made up of individuals – a great way to meet and fish with new friends! The usual price for this nine-day trip is £1,952:00 per person but is currently available at special offer rate of just £1,366:00 per person – a saving of £586. A deposit of 40% is required at the time of booking, with full payment six weeks before the date of fishing. Please note – this special offer is available only through Fishing-International-Service-Holidays.

For further details and information call 00354 775 7336  or visit the website HERE

The Gaula

The Gaula River is part of the huge Trondheimfjord Basin and is well known for its exceptionally large salmon, with many 30 to 40lb fish caught, as well as numbers of medium-sized fish and grilse. It is considered to be a ‘must’ on any salmon angler’s bucket list of rivers to travel to.

The Gaula NFC Beat has 13km of fly fishing water with 22 pools, so there is a large amount of water available to fish. The river is not fed by any hydroelectric dams and the water level is always changing, requiring you to change tactics to suit conditions many times a day. Because of this the Gaula is a river that keeps the fishing interesting and challenging and when it pays off it can pay off big time – with the fish of a lifetime.

The Gaula NFC lodge itself is situated in the town of Soren, only 45 minutes’ drive from Trondheim Airport and all of the pools are easily accessible by a small rented car (transport is not provided) and on arrival at the lodge anglers are given a GPS tracker that includes all of the named pools!

As far as the fishing is concerned the Fishing-International-Service-Holidays team suggest double-handed rods of a minimum of 14ft in length with a mixture of lines and sink tips, for this late-season trip floating lines with several sink tips are recommended.

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