Orri Vigfusson of NASF
The late Orri Vigfusson of NASF

Orri Vigfússon – The world loses the great salmon champion

The North Atlantic Salmon Fund (NASF) has announced with great sadness, the passing of its founder and Chairman Mr. Orri Vigfússon.

Mr Vigfússon succumbed to lung cancer at Iceland’s national hospital in Reyjavik on July 1st 2017 only nine short of his 75th birthday. Mr. Vigfússon has for 27 years, tirelessly fought for the survival and restoration of the wild Atlantic salmon through the North Atlantic Salmon Fund earning him the admiration days and respect of environmentalists all over the world.  He was recognised internationally for his vital conservation work and was awarded with numerous distinguished awards.  He is survived by his wife Unnur Kristinsdóttir, 2 children and 3 granddaughters.

The funeral service will be held in Reykjavík at Hallgrímskirkja, July 10th at 13:00.


The North Atlantic Salmon Fund, NASF, is an international coalition of voluntary private sector conservation groups who have come together to restore stocks of wild Atlantic salmon to their historic abundance.



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