Wheelyboats Launched at Ladybower and Airdrie


Ladybower Reservoir now has a brand new wheelyboat resulting from a project between Accessible Derbyshire, a charity set up by Gillian Scotford and Jane Carver, and Ladybower Fisheries, a Coulam 16 Wheelyboat was launched in October making the popular Peak District reservoir accessible for all.

The Coulam 16 Wheelyboat is a purpose-built reservoir fishing boat designed by its builder, Jim Coulam, and The Wheelyboat Trust. As well as supplying the Wheelyboat, the Trust helped Accessible Derbyshire and Ladybower Fisheries acquire the Wheelyboat by raising 50% of its cost. Many people supported the fundraising efforts, including local clubs, friends and anglers at the well-known trout fishery, who have all joined in to support the dream of providing hassle-free and independent access to the reservoir.

The unique design features of the boat are not immediately obvious—wheelchair users board the Coulam 16 Wheelyboat via a ramp from the pontoon onto a hydraulic platform that lowers from gunwale to floor level. Removable handrails around the platform help keep the angler safe while boarding and disembarking, a procedure that requires only one able-bodied helper.

Gillian Scotford, co-founder of Accessible Derbyshire, said “We are just approaching the end of our two-year challenge to make the Peak District National Park the most accessible national park in the UK and the launch is very special to us. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the great outdoors and one of the first things we dreamed about was a Wheelyboat on Ladybower as it is such a beautiful place. To achieve this dream is absolutely fantastic and we are so excited to have launched the boat.”

The Wheelyboat Trust is very grateful to Lord Leverhulme’s Charitable Trust for their grant towards the project.

For more information on the work of Accessible Derbyshire go to www.accessiblederbyshire.org. To find out more about the fishing and to book the Wheelyboat go to www.ladybowerfisheries.co.uk.

Airdrie & District Angling Club upgrades its Wheelyboat

AIRDRIE & DISTRICT Angling Club took delivery of a brand new Mk III Wheelyboat to replace its Mk II Wheelyboat that had been in service on Hillend Reservoir since 2004. It was déjà vu for Andy Beadsley, The Wheelyboat Trust’s Director, when he arrived with the Mk III in May as he had delivered the Mk II twelve year’s earlier. The Mk II has provided sterling service throughout its tenure at Hillend but was showing signs of wear and tear. Rather than have the older Wheelyboat repaired, the club decided to purchase a new one. The Mk II is no longer made, having been superseded by the Mk III in 2006. The Trust took the Mk II in part exchange and has had it fully repaired and refurbished and it is now awaiting a new home.

Hillend Reservoir is a 345 acre trout fishery and has been run by the club since 1949. The club has recently built a new marina and slipway for its fleet of fishing boats and its clubhouse and car park have been extensively upgraded. There is excellent disabled access throughout.

For more information visit www.airdrie-angling.com.

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