The Pebble Mine Fight Continues

Fish and Fly Ltd have supported the Save Bristol Bay campaign and the fight against the Pebble Mine since it started several years ago. We bring you the latest plea in this long-running saga to help make your voices heard if you wish to let the EPA know you wish to protect the native salmon stocks of Bristol Bay and keep their environment clean and pristine. Please click on either of the links below to add your voice.

The EPA is trying to pave the way for Pebble – a foreign mining company that wants to build a massive open pit mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska near some of our nation’s most precious waters. The agency has proposed to erase protections that over a million Americans supported.

It is North America’s most productive wild salmon region. It provides over 14,000 fish-based jobs. Its remote, quiet, clean rivers offer the opportunity for the catch of a lifetime. There are an abundance of wildlife and hunting opportunities. And it’s the location of thriving, generations-old subsistence based cultures.

Whatever it is that you value about Bristol Bay, Alaska – it is STILL in jeopardy by the proposed Pebble Mine.

Yes, this fight has gone on forever. Yes, you have probably commented in the past. Today, we need you to do it again.

Right now, the EPA is accepting comments on whether they should erase the protections for Bristol Bay over a million Americans asked for, or whether they should keep them. Please take a moment to tell them to keep Bristol Bay safe from Pebble Mine.

Pebble Mine is a bad idea. The science is clear that it cannot operate safely alongside wild salmon runs. The residents and businesses of the region have said they don’t want it, yet mine backers refuse to listen.

Right now, we have an opportunity to demonstrate that we are still united in opposing Pebble Mine. Please help us make a strong showing. Take action today. 

Thank you for your help – again – to protect Bristol Bay.


The Save Bristol Bay Team

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