Farlows and Sportfish at the Atlantic Salmon Reserve







The inaugural Farlows/Sportfish hosted week got off to a fabulous start with four salmon caught on the Home Pool within two hours of arrival by Andy Adams and Steve Hunt, memorable moments as Steve was waving to the departing rods in the helicopter whilst playing a 14lb salmon.

The week proved eventful and productive, testing even the more experienced anglers with the water temperature climbing to 22C and air temperature recorded at over 30C towards the end of the week.

Despite these conditions memorable moments were many including a special trip for David Kynaston and John Morgan, newcomers to Atlantic salmon both, who caught their first silver tourists early during the week and went on to catch several more – adding to a very impressive overall total for the week of eighty five.

Personal bests were celebrated by many, including a cracking 33lb cock fish caught at the Litza Tent Pool on a Frankin Snealda by Shaun Watkins, Steve Hunt’s 34lb, 108cm hen fish caught on a micro Willie Gunn tube at the Rock Pool, lower Kharlovka and birthday boy Dave M’s fine 23lb cock fish from the Home Pool on the week’s favourite fly the Golden Zsar.

With the superb assistance of guides big Alex and Kola, Atlantic salmon newcomers John Morgan and David K both managed to land impressive salmon of 17lb and 20lb, memories of which will last for a long time.

Exceptional efforts (given the weather) were made by Paul S, Stephen C and Shaun W with an impressive twenty six fish tally for the week and there was an amazing 27lb hen fish for Gordon R from the Dream Pool on the Bonia tied by guide Sergey on the last day – soaring temperatures making this fish even more special.

Huge amounts of large and fresh salmon were seen, caught and, frustratingly, lost on a very broad fly selection including: small singles, skated bombers, stripped and hitched sunrays.

The Barrels, Rock and Home pools on the Kharlova proved the most productive and a mention must go to Chris Ryan catching and landing an amazing six salmon from the Rock Pool on the smallest Willie Gunn in his box. However all pools on the rivers will hold longstanding memories for all.

The guides were truly outstanding in both their knowledge and their tireless hard work, helped by an amazing pilot of the Euro helicopter – landing on a sixpence and stirring up the fish when needed.

Camp manager Volodya and host Katya were exceptional in co-ordinating a superb service to all, and a special mention must also go to the kitchen staff for a delicious cake for Dave M’s 65th birthday.

The week ended too soon for us all but the sunburnt faces and aching bones were all delighted to meet and thank ASR owner Vladimir on our departure to Murmansk.

Many thanks and see you again next year!


If you are interested in making a booking for the Atlantic Salmon Reserve for the 2015 season please contact info@fishandfly.com


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