Twenty-three thousand Atlantic salmon smolts will arrive at the 'Namgis First Nation's salmon farm in January, just a fraction of the millions of similar fish that grow to maturity each year in B.C. What's different about these fish is that they will never swim in the ocean, never come in contact with wild salmon and never be treated for sea lice. Read More
Last week, pupils at Culmstock Primary School in Devon, UK welcomed some Atlantic salmon to their classroom and did their bit to help conserve one of the world's most iconic fish species, the Atlantic salmon. Read More
A solar-powered fish-tracking drone has been recovered off the North American Coast after a 3,000 km journey. And the 'surf board' device, says the Atlantic Salmon Federation, which tracks tagged fish released from the Miramichi River and the Restigouche River and some other rivers in New Brunswick will provide a valuable insight and data into the movement of salmon after they leave their rivers of origin. Read More
Do salmon farms help or hurt the declining wild salmon population? Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports on the controversy surrounding the multibillion dollar industry. Read More